[vox] New laptop...

Dave Margolis vox@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 23 May 2004 01:55:49 -0700

Daniel Hurt wrote:

> I do not know how everyone feels about tiger direct, but from what I 
> have been reading, they do not have the best reputation.

i want to make it clear i wasn't trying to promote tiger direct at all.  i've 
gotten two refurbed thinkpads from them (the t22 and the x21 i mentioned) and 
both worked great.  i was just trying to say that refurbished laptops can be a 
lot cheaper, have been like new (as promised) in my experience, and are slightly 
more likely to have linux friendly hardware being that they are of an earlier 

thanks for the consumer report daniel.  hope nobody gets burned (especially from 
taking my advice).
