[vox] Dixon Public Library Kiosk

Richard Crawford vox@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 18 May 2004 06:50:06 -0700

A couple of weeks ago I talked about possibly building a kiosk machine
for the Dixon Public Library.  I spoke with the district librarian last
night and he told me that he's instructed the IT guy to set aside one of
the older machines when they start replacing them with WinXP computers
just for me.  He's doubtful, but willing to humor me.

I know that last time I mentioned this there were a couple of people who
were willing to help.  I was originally interested in using LuMiX
(http://www.lumixtech.com) since it looked like a distro built
especially for libraries, but now I'm not so sure.

It will probably be a few weeks until I get my hands on a computer.  Is
there still interest in helping out with this project?

On an aside, I also had a conversation with the administrative manager
last night after the library commission meeting.  She asked why I was so
interested in doing this, and I mentioned that it sounded like fun and
because I'm a Unix guy at heart.

"Unix, eh?" she sniffed disdainfully.  "No one uses Unix!"

I admit that caught me off guard.  I laughed about it later but I'm not
sure how I'd go about educating her.  :)

Richard S. Crawford / http://www.mossroot.com
AIM: Buffalo2K / ICQ: 11646404 / Y!: rscrawford
"You can't depend on your judgement when your imagination is out
of focus." --Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898