[vox] For the "Why Linux" page.

Ken Bloom vox@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 11 May 2004 20:54:36 -0700

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=66rom the hey-everybody dept, Slashdot brings us:

"Life-Ruining Browser Hijackers"

If you're not diligent enough at whacking malware on your computer,
you could end up in jail, whether or not you actually did something
wrong. Hijacked browsers can not only annoy you with a never-ending
string of pop-ups, they leave a less-than-virtuous browser history
behind on your computer. This guy claims that some piece of malware
hijacked his home page, opened an unstoppable chain of pop-ups, and
filled his cache with porn. He now has to register as a sex offender,
even though he denies that he did anything his computer says he did.
Makes me glad for built in pop-up blocking in Mozilla."


I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
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signing the key. ***** My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***

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