[vox] New, improved Tux Paint site!
Bill Kendrick
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 20:22:32 -0800
On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 11:45:31AM -0800, Rod Roark wrote:
> While you're at it, you might wrap the "Enter" image in a
> dummy "<a href=" tag so the mouse cursor looks like it's a
> link when you mouse over it.
If I do that, then it seems to override the 'onClick' submit JavaScript
crap I've got going there. e.g., if I do:
<a href="index2.php3"><img src...
it just goes to "index2" without submitting the user's choice for language.
If I do:
<a href="#"><img ...
<a href=""><img ...
it doesn't 'submit', either...
(Don't worry, if JS isn't available, it simply displays the image as
a form submit button... "<input type='image'...")
I'll see what else I can do. Thx!
bill@newbreedsoftware.com "Hey Shatner, ya remember that episode of
http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/ Space Trek where your show got cancelled?"