[vox] More IE exploits

Robert G. Scofield rscofield at afes.com
Fri Jun 25 10:52:39 PDT 2004

Rod Roark wrote:

>We now seem to be at the point where an informed person
>would have to be certifiably insane to use IE.
Yeah, but I've got a problem.  I'm paying $159 a month for an online 
legal research program, and I can't get full functionality unless I use 
IE.  I can use other browers, but I have to give up certain functions.  
Of course that's not to say I'm not certifiably insane.

And I have an even worse problem.  I'm the only person on this list who 
doesn't use Linux.  I am now an ex-Linux user because I've got a 
motherboard problem.  It's been "fixed" to the extent what Windows98 now 
works, but the timing is off and Linux will not run.  And with a kid to 
put through college starting next fall, I can't afford a new computer.  
I* really* miss Linux.  On the other hand with just being able to use 
Windows, I don't spend as much time on the computer at night and so do 
more reading.


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