[vox] Content management system recommendations

j at firebright.com j at firebright.com
Fri Jun 11 21:16:15 PDT 2004

> You should also check out the following:
> http://drupal.org/

Drupal is awesome.

I've heard REALLY REALLY good things about the following systems:

eZ Publish (3.4) www.ez.no
Mambo (V4) is really popular (google mambo open source)

Between those three, you should have what you want.

Drupal for community plumbing, eZ for massive CMS (seroiusly, it's got an
amazing array of features and is reasonable architected), and Mambo for
sub 1k page array (the new v4 has tons of plugins that make is useful,
including lots of integrated open source projects).



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