[vox] LUGOD website hits

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jun 10 11:18:53 PDT 2004

WOW.  Okay, so Rod just upgraded his server the other day, and pointed me
to the new stats page for lugod.org.

We get anywhere between 21,000 and _61,000_ unique visitors per month!
(That's a reasonably accurate way of saying 'different people who visited')

Damn! :)

Top 10 pages between Jan and today:

6855 different pages-url                    | Viewed | Avg siz e | Ent |  Ext
/microsoft/                                    | 926 | 22.05 KB  | 495 |  492
/                                              | 588 | 15.56 KB  | 353 |  237
/members/leaving.php                           | 390 | 737 Bytes |   5 |   11
/presentations/gimp_websig/examples_originals/ | 387 | 878 Bytes | 312 |  309
/meeting/                                      | 243 | 14.38 KB  |  45 |   54
/members/byjoin.php                            | 238 | 25.84 KB  |  31 |   24
/photos/                                       | 180 | 20.85 KB  |  27 |   27
/projects/demo/                                | 175 | 11.59 KB  |  33 |   51
/if/                                           | 170 | 14.98 KB  |  18 |   18
/presentations/gimp_websig/examples_finished/  | 166 | 899 Bytes | 132 |  130
Others                                       | 20330 | 27.44 KB | 5709 | 5781


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