[vox] What to do with STC discs?

Shwaine shwaine at shwaine.com
Tue Jul 20 14:54:59 PDT 2004

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> So a number of people from various LUGs helped burn a total of ~130 discs
> of Open Source software for Windows for handout at STC.
> Unfortunately, STC has been cancelled completely. :^(
> So, aside from giving a bunch fo the local Sacramento chapter of STC,
> what other ways can people think of to offload these discs?

Maybe see if the co-op or other businesses in Davis will let you set out a
small pile of disks, perhaps with flyers for LUGOD that explain the disk
and group in one (two sided if needed) page. Probably would be best to
fold the flyer up and stuff it in the disk holder with the disk to make
sure people get a copy. Maybe make a little sign to the effect "Free
software. Take one." with the tux penguin on it and a small bullet-point
list of what the software does and a quick blurb for LUGOD.

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