[vox] LUGOD member needed for TV interview

Shwaine shwaine at shwaine.com
Tue Jul 20 12:56:26 PDT 2004

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> Linsey Paulo, from the consumer reports department at KCRA TV, just called
> me because they're planning on doing a segment on the recent
> Microsoft / Internet Explorer exploits (specifically the bank account
> keylogger one out of Russia, it sounds like).
> They've apparently been trying to track down the most tech-saavy folks
> in the Sacramento region, and were directed to LUGOD.  (Thanks, John! ;^) )
> Anyway, is anyone out here with expertise in this kind of stuff available
> to be interviewed either tomorrow morning (Tuesday), or some time on
> Wednesday?

Well, it would seem were we to be looking for a resource in Davis to talk
about computer security, we should turn to the computer security lab in
the CS department at UC Davis, http://seclab.cs.ucdavis.edu/. Contacting
the professors might be difficult being that it is summer (they travel a
lot in the summer, many PI meetings and funding stuff) and this is short
notice, but there are a lot of grad students hanging around the lab. I
personally only paid nominal attention to the IE exploits, but there may
be some others interested. I'll ask around this afternoon.

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