[vox] Graphy on octave or Maxima

Ken Bloom kabloom at ucdavis.edu
Tue Jul 13 16:36:15 PDT 2004

On 2004.07.13 16:08, Chris Horsting wrote:
> Does any one know how to graph polynomial on either octave or maxima.
> There is instruction on graphing trig function but not polynomials
> Thanks
> Chris

octave:7> x=-2:.1:2;
octave:8> plot(x,x.^2)

remember to use operators like .^, .+, .* where you're working with the x  
matrix, because those do cell-by-cell operations, whereas ^ + and * do  
matrix operations. (Although it's perfectly OK to write a polynomial as  
3*x.^2+3*x+x because + and .+ will be the same, and * is the same as .*  
when you're multiplying a scalar)

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