[vox] [fwd] Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 9

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Jul 12 12:25:55 PDT 2004

----- Forwarded message from Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com> -----

Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 17:06:58 -0700
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 9
To: pr at lugod.org

O'Reilly News for User Group Members
July 9, 2004
Book News
-Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition
-Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition
-Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
-Just a Geek
-Version Control with Subversion
-3D Game-Based Filmmaking: The Art of Machinima
-Eclipse Cookbook
-Flash Hacks
-The Spam Letters
-Online Investing Hacks
Upcoming Events
-O'Reilly at Macworld Conference & Expo, Boston, MA--July 12-15
-Chuck Toporek ("Inside .Mac" &  "Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell"),
Chicago Apple Store, Chicago, IL--July 16
-O'Reilly at Syllabus2004, San Francisco, CA--July 18-22
-O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Portland, OR--July 26-30
-Dan Gillmor ("We the Media") and Paul Graham ("Hackers & Painters"), 
Powell's Books, Portland, OR--July 28
-Tim O'Reilly Speaks at the Portland Area .NET User Group Meeting, 
Portland, OR--July 29
-Alex Martelli ("Python in a Nutshell"), Powell's Books, 
Portland, OR--July 29
Conference News
-O'Reilly Open Source Convention User Group Discount
-O'Reilly Releases Spanish-Language Titles
-History of Programming Languages
-Stealing the Network: A Prequel
-How to Write a Basic Gtk# Program with Mono
-Unix Printing Basics
-Announcing the 2004 Mac OS X Innovators Contest
-Hacking Mac OS X Panther
-Steve Jobs Introduces Tiger at WWDC 2004
-Top Three Windows RSS Readers
-Surf the Web Anonymously
-Spring in Action
-Inside Class Loaders: Debugging
-Refactoring in Whidbey
-ASP.NET Forms Security, Part 2

Book News
Did you know you can request a free book to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.

For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch, 
Paraglyph, Pragmatic Bookshelf, or Syngress book you purchase directly
from O'Reilly.
Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.

***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at 
least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer 
applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico.
For more details, go to:

New Releases
***Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059600737X
"Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition" provides an insider's look at
what's coming in the widely anticipated Perl 6. It uncovers groundbreaking
new developments in Parrot, and the most revolutionary change in the
language itself, Apocalypse 12 on objects. The book also expands coverage
of Apocalypse 5 (regular expressions) and Apocalypse 6 (subroutines). This
is the only book to reveal all the ingenious developments that will make
Perl 6 more powerful and easier to use.

Chapter 10, "Parrot Intermediate Representation," is available online:

***Mastering Oracle SQL, 2nd Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006322
Updated to cover Oracle 10g, this new edition has a stronger focus on
practical, expert best practices and on Oracle-specific SQL techniques
than any other book on the market. The book covers Oracle's library of
built-in functions, query-writing features, regular expression support,
new aggregate and analytic functions, the native XML datatype, XMLType,
and more. For those who want to harness the power of Oracle SQL, this
essential guide for putting Oracle SQL to work will prove invaluable.

Chapter 7, "Set Operations," is available online:

***Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006063
"Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition" offers a thorough treatment
of Mac OS X Panther, from its BSD Unix foundation to the finer points of
its user interface. It familiarizes readers with the Finder and the Dock,
file management, system configuration, network administration issues, and
more, including a clear picture of what's new. The book also includes the
most complete Unix command reference found in print--with each command and
option painstakingly tested and checked against Panther.

Chapter 13, "Security Basics," is available online:

***Just a Geek
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 059600768X
Wil Wheaton has never been one to take the conventional path to success.
Despite early stardom through his childhood role in the motion picture
"Stand By Me," and growing up on television as Wesley Crusher on "Star
Trek: The Next Generation," Wil left Hollywood in pursuit of happiness,
purpose, and a viable means of paying the bills. In this, his newest book,
Wil shares his deeply personal and difficult journey to find himself with
stories that reveal an honesty and disarming humanity.

A sample chapter, titled "Alone Again, or ...," is available online:

***Version Control with Subversion
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596004486
 "Version Control with Subversion" introduces the powerful new versioning
tool designed to be the successor to CVS. The book starts with an
introduction to Subversion, followed by a guided tour of its capabilities.
Later chapters cover more complex topics of branching, repository
administration, and other advanced features. If you've never used version
control in your software projects, this book has everything you need to
get started. If you're a seasoned CVS user, it will help you make a
painless leap to Subversion.

Chapter 2, "Basic Concepts," is available online:

***3D Game-Based Filmmaking: The Art of Machinima 
Publisher: Paraglyph Press
ISBN: 1932111859
Machinima will revolutionize the computer animation industry, and this
book will serve as the industry bible for emerging filmmakers. It expertly
covers the latest technology in filmmaking, the history of Machinima, the
major players, and where the Machinima movement is going. The book clearly
explains Machinima and covers the basics you'll need to get started
including necessary hardware and software, and other production tools and

***Eclipse Cookbook
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596007108
"Eclipse Cookbook" demystifies Eclipse with practical recipes for more
than 800 situations you may encounter--from deploying a web application
automatically to reverse engineering compiled code and from renaming all
references to a class across multiple packages to initializing the SWT JNI
libraries. Perfect as a companion to the recently released "Eclipse" book
by the same author, this latest O'Reilly cookbook will help Java
programmers at all levels take advantage of the powerful and convenient
Eclipse in their daily work.

Chapter 6, "Using Eclipse in Teams," is available online:

***Flash Hacks
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006454
This collection of 100 Flash tips and tricks covers optimization, creating
interesting effects, ActionScript programming, sound and video effects,
and much more--and you don't need to be an expert to use them (although
you'll certainly look like one). Ranging from practical hacks to the fun
and quirky, the book covers Flash MX, Flash MX 2004, and Flash MX
Professional 2004. If you're ready to explore and experiment with Flash,
this is the book for you. 

Five sample hacks are available online:

***The Spam Letters
Publisher: No Starch Press
ISBN: 1593270321
>From the man behind TheSpamLetters.com comes a collection of brilliant and
entertaining correspondence with the people who send out mass junk
emailings (a.k.a. spam). Compiled from the nearly 200 entries written by
Jonathan Land, "The Spam Letters" taunts, prods, and parodies the faceless
salespeople in your inbox, giving you a chuckle at their expense. If you
hate spam, you'll love "The Spam Letters."

***Online Investing Hacks
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596006772
For the geek who's an investor, and the investor who's a geek, we present
100 industrial-strength, bleeding-edge tips, tools, and techniques for
analyzing and managing online portfolios. This book provides hacks on
screening investments, executing trades, investing in mutual funds,
portfolio management, financial planning, and much more. Online Investing
Hacks is for people who get jazzed by cool online tools and services, and
who want to have some fun while trying to strike it rich (or at least not
lose their shirt). 

Ten sample hacks, are available online:

Upcoming Events
***For more events, please see:

***O'Reilly at Macworld Conference & Expo, Boston, MA--July 12-15
In addition to all of our fabulous new Mac titles, we'll feature author
appearances at our booth and special promotional fun.
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Booth #418

***Chuck Toporek ("Inside .Mac" &  "Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell"),  
Chicago Apple Store, Chicago, IL--July 16
Chuck discusses "The Seven Essential Services of .Mac" at the Chicago
Apple Store. The .Mac team from Apple headquarters will be on hand to
discuss and demonstrate .Mac Internet essentials.
679 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL

***O'Reilly at Syllabus2004, San Francisco, CA--July 18-22
Come visit us at booth #304.
Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Francisco, CA

***O'Reilly Open Source Convention, Portland, OR--July 26-30
Mark your calendar to join us for the sixth annual O'Reilly Open Source
Convention this summer. Fresh ideas are already sizzling on the OSCON
program barbie, including keynote addresses by two of 2003's most riveting
speakers, Robert Lefkowitz and Milton Ngan, as well as a trio of Dysons:
Esther, Freeman, and George. Bring the family along--Portland has
something for everyone.
Portland Marriott Downtown, Portland, OR

***Dan Gillmor ("We the Media") and Paul Graham ("Hackers & Painters"), 
Powell's Books, Portland OR--July 28
Powell's hosts a special double-header with two authors in town for OSCON.
Powell's Technical Books, Portland, OR

***Tim O'Reilly Speaks at the Portland Area .NET User Group Meeting
Portland, OR--July 29
"An Evening With Tim O'Reilly--Tim discusses what is on the 
O'Reilly Radar."
The meeting starts at 6:30pm
Portland Community College Auditorium,
Room 104, 1626 SE Water Ave., Portland, OR

***Alex Martelli ("Python in a Nutshell"), Powell's Books, 
Portland, OR--July 29
Alex stops in for an appearance at Portland's favorite bookstore.
Powell's Technical Books, Portland, OR

Conference News
***O'Reilly Open Source Convention User Group Discount
User Group use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the
conference price.

To register, go to:

O'Reilly Open Source Convention
Portland Marriott Downtown
Portland, OR
July 26-30, 2004

News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***O'Reilly Releases Spanish-Language Titles
O'Reilly has been helping English speakers tame and control their
computers for over 25 years, and we're now offering eight of our most 
popular titles in Spanish: four books from the Hacks series, three pocket
guides,  and the bestseller, "PC Annoyances."

***History of Programming Languages
O'Reilly has produced a poster on the history of programming languages
that plots over 50 languages on a multi-layered, color-coded timeline,
based on a diagram created by Eric Levenez. Download the poster in PDF
format. You can also find full-size copies at Team O'Reilly bookstores,
and at O'Reilly conferences, such as this July's Open Source Convention.

***Stealing the Network: A Prequel 
Ryan Russell, one of the coauthors of "Stealing the Network: How to Own a
Continent" (from Syngress), has written a "prequel" that depicts a
'70s-era security hack, set at a tech company back East. If you've been
curious about "Stealing the Network," this short bit of fiction provides a
real sense of the concept behind the book. And be sure to respond to the
talkback at the end of this tale -- we'd like to hear your theory.

Open Source
*** How to Write a Basic Gtk# Program with Mono
Gtk#, the Mono API for the GTK+ UI toolkit, is the open source alternative
to Windows.Forms. This article shows how to install Mono on Windows, how
Gtk# works, and how to write a simple Gtk# program. This kind of
mini-project is just the sort you'll find in O'Reilly's upcoming "Mono: A
Developer's Notebook."

***Unix Printing Basics 
For some reason, consumer-level printing has never been easy on any OS,
including Unix. Unless you're in the know, it seems like a mess of
spoolers, filters, and drivers. Fortunately, new versions of Ghostscript
and foomatic make configuring printing easier. Dru Lavigne explains the
basics of Unix printer installation and configuration.

***Announcing the 2004 Mac OS X Innovators Contest 
The second Mac OS X Innovators contest is open and ready for your entry.
Here are the links and info you need to shine a light on your great idea.

***Hacking Mac OS X Panther 
Rael Dornfest, coauthor of "Mac OS X Panther Hacks," has selected three
hacks from the book for your sampling pleasure. The first two detail how
to find anyone in your Address Book who has an Amazon Wish List, and how
to build a GUI to your Unix scripts with some Perl or Python glue code;
the third is just for fun.

***Steve Jobs Introduces Tiger at WWDC 2004 
So many things to talk about at WWDC. So many things that can't be said.
Here's an overview of what can be disclosed, including hardware
announcements and a preview of Tiger, Apple's next version of Mac OS X.

***Top Three Windows RSS Readers 
Which are the best RSS readers out there? Wei-Meng Lee picks his favorites
and gives you guided tours of them all.

***Surf the Web Anonymously 
When you surf the Web, your life is an open book, open to anyone who wants
to look. J.W. Olsen looks at two anonymous surfing programs that promise
to fix the problem.

***Spring in Action 
In this excerpt from "Better, Faster, Lighter Java," authors Bruce Tate
and Justin Gehtland provide an example of Spring (their counter-example to
the J2EE Pet Store application) in action, to show why you too will come
to appreciate this simple framework as elegant and important. 

***Inside Class Loaders: Debugging 
Andreas Schaefer continues his examination of class loading in Java with a
look at what can cause problems in advance class-loading scenarios and how
to patch class loaders to help debug the problem.

***Refactoring in Whidbey 
Code refactoring means restructuring your code so that the original
intention of the code is preserved. In this article, Wei-Meng Lee walks
you through Whidbey's new support for code refactoring.

***ASP.NET Forms Security, Part 2 
In his previous column, Jesse Liberty showed how to add web form security
to your ASP.NET 2.0 application, and how to add users. In this follow-up,
he demonstrates how easy it is to create and manage roles. 

Until next time--


----- End forwarded message -----

bill at newbreedsoftware.com            "Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted."
New Breed Software

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