[vox] Linux in Space

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Wed Jul 7 08:51:01 PDT 2004


I thought that people who are to do with Lugod and Balug might be 
interested in the things that I was involved in last July and August and 
what happened in October as a direct result of my own actions.  I was in 
New York, Washington D.C. and San Francisco in those weeks. Much of what 
I was involved in has been published in www.linuxuser.co.uk.  We think 
that my work will eventually be available as downloadable PDFs from the 
LUD site. 
We did a Linux in Space presentation last October here in Sheffield. 
I've written a couple of web pages about this which have been carefully 
scanned and approved by Prof Stakem over in Washington D.C.

If you want to read up on this have a look at...


We thought that more people should know about this and should also be 
given the opportunity to read up on the kind of things that we do over 
here in the way of LUG events.



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