[vox][OT response] Article: A parent's guide to Linux Web filtering

Micah J. Cowan micah at cowan.name
Thu Jul 1 15:46:49 PDT 2004

(Couldn't figure out what text would be appropriate for quoting, so I
snipped it all).

I forgot to mention that the techniques I like the most are
accountability-based techniques, where they don't block
*anything*... but a copy of all logs are sent to someone who will
review it (in this case, you). That allows you the opportunity to
discuss what they are viewing and why.

Unfortunately, the only realistic way to do this is have the ISP send
the logs to that person; and I only know of one organization that does
this (and they require Windows, which may mean that the logging is
done on the client end, ugh). If you set up this system on the client,
then it is vulnerable to the same disabling techniques that are a
problem for filters.

Micah J. Cowan
micah at cowan.name

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