[vox] Article: A parent's guide to Linux Web filtering

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Jul 1 11:26:41 PDT 2004

Noticed this article over at NewsForge.  Looks neat, and is written in
a down-to-Earth fashin, from the first few paragraphs I've read so far...

  A parent's guide to Linux Web filtering
  By: Joe Bolin


     Having converted quite a few people to the world of GNU/Linux, I
     am often asked by parents, "Can I set up parental Web filters for my
     children using Linux?" The answer is yes, and here's how.

     A Web filter is a software that can filter the type of content a
     Web browser displays. The filter checks the content of a Web page
     against a set of rules and replaces any unwanted content with an
     alternative Web page, usually an "Access Denied" page. The type of
     content to be filtered is usually controlled by a systems
     administrator or a parent. Web filters are used in schools, libraries,
     and homes to safeguard children from obscene content on the Internet.


bill at newbreedsoftware.com            "Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted."
New Breed Software

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