[vox] Awakening the sleeping giant
Bill Kendrick
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 03:11:08 -0800
On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 07:56:09PM -0800, Jim wrote:
> Not knowing the difference between kfc and the kernel I still like
> hearing about david trying to subdue goliath.
Hehe - I think Linux is a bit leaner than what you'd get at KFC, but that's
another story. ;^)
> I dont know if I can send hyperlinks so I will send a url the old
> fashion way; the way my great great great gandpappy taught me when I
> was 5 months old.
> http://www.webseminarslive.com/event_details/0,4171,e=154,00.html
URLs like that work great, thanks. :^)
> This web address was obtained via e-mail about sun microsystems and
> their desktop and the use of open source.
> It further states that if people attend this online seminar, they
> will receive a complete staroffice 7 office suite cd plus an
> evaluation copy of the sun java desktop system.
Cool, thanks for passing it along! I'm an OpenOffice.org user, and have
been using StarOffice since the free 5.2 version, 'back in the day'
(e.g., a coupla years ago).
> If I have errored in writing this email, please forgive me. I work
> on cars, not computers so I plead ignorance not knowing what geeks
> really think about all this stuff, or about anything for that
> matter.
Heh, speaking of non-computer-geek Linux use, I may have found a reason for
my dad to switch from his ancient PowerMac running MacOS Classic to
a reasonable Linux box. He's not been doing much lately, other than
web browsing, and apparently Netscape 4 is 'cutting it' less and less
these days. Someone suggested switching to Internet Explorer, but I'd
rather set him up a whole new computer, than continue with the slowly-dying
hardware, using a Microsoft product that he really doesn't need to use. ;^)
Expect a post to vox momentarily asking for more hardware. ;) ;)