[vox] vim magic - partially resolved

Bryan Richter vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 23:54:59 -0800

I realized I worded the question in such a way that the answer I was
looking for would be hard to determine. So, I hopped back on the
internet and looked around some more, and I managed to find the answer.
:) Check out the 'list' option (and 'listchars').

Note that you have to type
   :help 'list'
rather than 
   :help list


On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 10:48:40PM -0800, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> > Second was colorizing all white space, which was handy when checking for
> > spaces at the end of a line, etc.
> Easy:
>    :set hlsearch        " enable highlighted search
>    /\s                  " search for whitespaces
> Or... if you just wanna get rid of whitespaces at the end of each line:
>    :%s/\s*$//