[vox] Kiosk survives LUGOD attack

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 02:51:55 -0800

So after dinner on Monday night, a bunch of us walked over to Chamonix
(apparently scaring some of the customers away, so I was told... Hans..?
what did you do!)

Anyway, a number of LUGOD folks tried busting into the machine, and it
prevailed.  We DID find one really stupid glitch (which I fixed when I had
some spare time on Tuesday)... clicking an non-browser-viewable MIME type
(like a ZIP or RPM) provided a way to get to an "Open With..." option.

I went in and created a set of applnk ".desktop" files in the guest account's
home directory, with "Hidden=true" in them, to make that option useless.

Hopefully the upcoming KDE 3.2 will have some tasty kiosk framework updates,
and hopefully it won't take long to be backported to Woody ;) ;)

(Gentoo users, shut the hell up ;) )

bill@newbreedsoftware.com                           Got kids?  Get Tux Paint! 
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