[vox] Kiosk disclaimers

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:28:32 -0800

On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 10:02:03PM -0800, ME wrote:
> Since many web browsers permit the user to select a program to deal with
> applications of a certin MIME-type/extention, users can provide clever
> work and specify the application to be a shell.

Under Konqueror with the Kiosk framework, users are not allowed to choose
applications for MIME types.  One can also the "Open With..." option.

I still need to be _100%_ sure that this is all set up, but it should be
very robust, already.

Also, while there's still a "Save As" option floating around (damnit!),
users are not allowed to look in the filesystem or save files using
Konq's Save dialog.  Nor can they look at files using "file:" URLs or
using File->Open.  :^)

> Such a technique was used in the "good (bad?) old days when hacking
> mainframes at unis and large libs which had terminals connected to main
> frames or mini computers which offered "lynx" through an online catalog.
> (You cannot give me credit (blame?)  for this idea.)

Hehe - Sweet.

I might like to have you or someone else who knows the tricks of the trade
come sit down and try to break into the machine in front of me, so I can
patch any loose ends. :^)

> There were some browsers that would actually "run" files that you
> downloaded as a shell script if it ends with ".sh"

OUCH!  Hehe

bill@newbreedsoftware.com                           Got kids?  Get Tux Paint! 
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