[vox] OT new spam technique
Ken Bloom
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 00:09:32 -0800
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On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 11:21:06PM -0800, andy wergedal wrote:
> FYI, I have started receiving mail undeliverable errors in
> various email accounts.
> The spammers are using a legitimate (valid) email account
> and spoofing the FROM header to be from that account.
> From: "Worlledge" <awerg@YAHOO.COM>=09
> To: awerg@newmail.net=09
> Subject: awerg: Go0d S1tes To See: Y0u Asked To Be On Our
> Llst=09
> Date: 7 Jan 2004 23:39:31 +0000
> From: "SportsEdge2" <awerg@MYDOMAIN.COM>=09
> To: awerg@sportsedge.com=09
> Subject: awerg: Go0d S1tes To See: Y0u Asked To Be On Our
> Llst=09
> Date: 7 Jan 2004 23:39:04 +0000
> The spam gets through because my account is valid.
> Clever but annoying.
> -- Andy
I don't know what your guy is doing with this, changing the domain of
your email address and still coming up with valid email addresses, but
I got a few spams from my own email address, so I had to remove my
spamassassin whitelist entry for @ucdavis.edu. So annoying.
I usually have a GPG digital signature included as an attachment.
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My key was last signed 10/14/2003. If you use GPG *please* see me about=20
signing the key. ***** My computer can't give you viruses by email. ***
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