[vox] Self-replying [Was "XFree86 Core Team Disbands" (?)]
Tim Riley
Fri, 02 Jan 2004 14:35:00 -0800
Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2004, Tim Riley wrote:
> > ME wrote:
> >
> > > Look! My (lack of) nettiquette is showing:
> > > (replying to myself)
> >
> > Why is adding an additional thought after pressing the <send>
> > button bad nettiquette?
> I can think of two reasons off the top of my head:
> a) pushing the send button too quick is something to be frowned upon... it
> suggests that you do not respect your readers' time spent interpreting
> your thoughts. Specifically, having to thread two messages together to
> identify a complete thought may not always be possible, since related
> messages may not always be presented together.
> b) if your audience is so uninterested in your topic that there is no one
> else to reply to after your message, then perhaps you shouldn't be talking
> to yourself on that topic in that forum.
These are two good reasons; however, there may be more. If you
think of one, feel free to post it.
Tim "complete-stop-only-if-approaching-cars-or-onlooking-cop" Riley
Sorry for the snide remark -- couldn't resist ;-)
I think your point that no one is interested in uninformative postings is
valid. Moreover, thinking before pressing the <send> button is prudent
when trying to minimize uninformative postings. However, this is
independent of whether or not it occurs as a self-reply.
If someone tries to help solve a problem of mine by first
responding from the gut, second thinking about it, and finally solving it, then
I'm not going to complain if he/she's the only respondent. Nor should
I feel guilty (and compelled to apologize) for doing the same.
Tim "still-trying-to-change-the-world" Riley
> I don't think either of these sufficient justification to condemn someone
> for replying to themselves once in awhile, but I do think they at least
> suggest that doing so should be a rare event.
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