[vox] request for backup DNS
Alexander Marks
Sat, 14 Feb 2004 09:21:33 -0800
I use ZoneEdit (http://www.zoneedit.com/). Excellent service with an
easy UI, and completely free for up to 5 or 6 domains I think. They've
never gone down and I've used it for about 3 years.
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
>the name servers for granitecanyon.com and freedns.afraid.org are all
>down ATM. :-/
>is anyone here running DNS (that gets their DNS from somebody like
>pacbell or sonic) that could give me backup DNS when afraid.org and
>granitecanyon are both down? dirac.org is a home domain with
>practically no traffic at all. you'll get very few name requests.
>please forward responses to psalzman@lifshitz.ucdavis.edu, at least for
>now. :-(