[vox] Geek Swap coordinator

Henry House vox@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 04:19:35 -0700

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On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 04:43:56PM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> I don't have time to coordinate another Geek Swap.
> If there's still interest in holding another swap-meet, we'll need
> a coordinator.
> Anyone interested?
> Thx!

I haven't enough free time to be the co=F6rdinator myself, but I can enumer=
the some details about the job. The volunteer co=F6rdinator will:

- Find a venue. (Some have already been offered.)

- Come a little early on the day of the swap to supervise the set-up.

- Keep track of sales, when sellers are not donating all of their proceeds
  but want to get back some money.

- Stick around after the swap finishes to ensure that all sellers take away
  their unsold stuff or pay Yolo landfill fees for its disposal.

- Make arrangements with clean-up volunteers. Make sure that the poor person
  whose house we use is not left with a messy garage to clean up (as Doug w=
  last time).

- Make arrangements with a volunteer to take unwanted items to the Yolo
  County landfill.

- Enjoy a meal on LUGOD as our thank-you for helping out.

Henry House
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