[vox] slashdottable news

Michael Wenk vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 07:13:05 -0700

On Friday 10 October 2003 06:34 am, p@dirac.org wrote:
> ok, screw yesterday's report that the vatican now claims it has
> scientific evidence that condoms don't help block transmissions of
> STD's.  that's just plain wacky (and sad).  now THIS is news:
> Software company to sue student over using shift key
> http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=12034
> here's the gist of the story:
> a princeton comp sci grad student found that pressing the shift key,
> while loading a CD, can defeat a copy protection method sold by a
> company called sunncomm (whose motto is "lightyears beyond encryption").
> the company considers this a violation of the DMCA and is now suing the
> student.
> this has all the trappings of a /. news article: a student is the hero,
> the DMCA is involved, stupid corporate tricks, everything.
> i know some people are on the quest to submit /. news stories.  this
> one is a real winner!  as of 9:40 EST, it hasn't been posted yet.
> pete

This was posted yesterday... Sometime before 4 pm PDT... 


Mike Wenk