[vox] OpenOffice 1.1 ISO has arrived; time to gear up for the schools!

Lincoln Peters vox@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 05 Oct 2003 13:01:18 -0700

I am downloading the ISO for OpenOffice 1.1 right now.  Currently, it is 
available from the following mirrors:


Unfortunately, these mirrors are rather busy at the moment, and most (well, 
PlanetMirror) are not accepting new connections.  Does anyone here have 
access to a server that could be used to mirror the ISO?

I can also try to distribute CD's to those who are willing to participate in 
the campaign but have slow Internet connections (those who have CD burners 
and slow Internet connections should be able to make copies of the CD).  If 
you want to burn CD's but cannot download the ISO, or if you want to 
distribute CD's but do not have a CD burner, contact me privately and we'll 
try to work something out.

I'll keep you posted as the OpenOffice ISO propagates to additional mirrors.

This is the ISO you want if you intend to burn OpenOffice CD's for 
distribution to schools!  I have acquired 100 blank CD-R's and 100 paper CD 
envelopes for this task, but depending on how much interest there is in 
OpenOffice, that may not be nearly enough (my old high school has 2,000 
students).  If you want to burn CD's, I can tell you that the best prices I 
found for CD-R's and CD envelopes was an online shop called Cyberguys 

If you still have not talked to a school, or the school(s) you talked to 
were still skeptical, there is an OpenOffice flyer available at 
This should give the school all of the information it needs to understand 
the advantages of OpenOffice.  If they have additional questions that you 
cannot answer, let me know.

I live on the northern edge of the Bay Area (I'm about 7 miles south of 
Santa Rosa), and so I cannot try to distribute CD's to any schools in the 
Davis area.  If a LUGOD member who lives closer to the Davis area than I do 
wants to coordinate LUGOD's participation in this campaign, that would be 

The planned date for distribution is October 13th.  Since that is barely a 
week from now, if you want to participate, please contact me NOW!

One more thing that Ian said when he contacted us about the ISO:

One issue I have come across on installing from the iso is the java virtual 
machine. This is referred to as JRE (Java RunTime Environment) in the 
documentation but Sun's site refers to it as Java VM. So when you click the 
Sun link for JRE go to popular downloads and look for Java VM- HOT.


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