[vox] question for PDA users

Rob Rogers vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 16:10:44 -0400

On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 12:28:46PM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 11:35:21AM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> > Anyway, I type up to 80WPM on a normal keyboard (if I'm in a lightening
> > hurry) so I get quite impatient with machines that don't respond as
> > quickly, whether it be a PDA or a cell phone.
> I'll also mention another thing, speaking of cell phones.
> Cell phone text entry _SUCKS_ compared to using a keyboard like on
> a Zaurus SL-5xxx.
> ESPECIALLY my cellphone, where:
>   1. keys are squishy
>   2. no text completion
>   3. bizarre lag causing non-response from the interface
>   4. buggy interpretation of repeat button presses...
>      [2][2][2] really fast should say "C", not "AB" >:^(
>      This only happens SOMETIMES.  But if I'm not paying attention,
>      my text will come out "LOMNKING LGHKE THIRP"  (looking like this)

This is the ONE thing I actually like about my cellphone. The keys are a
little squishy, but I've never had your number 3 and 4 problems, and it
does have it's own form of text completion called iTap. It has a built
in English, French, Spanish and Portugese dictionary. As you type, it
gives you a choice of words, ordered by the most used. For instance:

Press 5:
J K L 5

Press 6:
Lo Km Jo Kn Ko Lm Ln L6

Press 6:
Jon Kno Loo Lon Kon Lom Lo6

Press 5:
Look Jonj Jonk Jonl Jon5

The last 4 choices on the last keypress are there because I had Jon
hilighted the previous time (being the default) and those are all the
possible combinations of adding a 5 to Jon. It does have it's
disadvantages (it's slower to enter a word that isn't in it's
dictionary), and if you're typing without looking, you can accidentally
select the wrong "obvious" word (I've typed "of" instead of "me"
before), but after getting used to it, which didn't take long at all, I
found the advantage of larger keys made it easier to enter text than the
Treo keypad did.