[vox] my mother has seen the light
Ken Bloom
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 14:40:35 -0800
On 2003.11.25 13:08, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 12:51:52PM -0800, Katie wrote:
> > accesses the internet.
> Presumably you mean browsing and e-mail. Done deal.
> Mozilla, Konqueror or Opera for browsing.
> Mozilla, KMail, Evolution, or countless others for e-mail.
> There's also instant messengers, streaming audio/music players, etc.
> All pretty standard stuff...
Umm, what kind of modem does she have. If it's a winmodem, there may be
drivers for it, but there also may not be drivers for it in which case
you'd need to replace the modem.
If it's DSL, you're probably good to go.
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