[vox] Symbio Thin Client

Marianne Waage vox@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 09:24:11 -0800

On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 08:50:27AM -0800, Edward Elliott wrote:
> Has anyone in the group had a chance to look at the Symbio
> thin client and server solution? I've worked extensively with
> the Citrix solution in the Windows space and I'm interested in 
> your thoughts on thin client solutions in the Linux space.

The Math department has homebrewed thin clients using various 
versions of RedHat. It's really nice once it's up and running,
and most of the students can navigate through enough to use web
and office programs.

Our thin clients are as thin as the ones they've got on the 
symbiont web page though.
