[vox] More Linux news in SacBee
Peter Jay Salzman
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 14:22:09 -0800
On Mon 24 Nov 03, 2:04 PM, Shwaine <shwaine@shwaine.com> said:
> While we seem to be on the subject of SacBee articles, did anyone see the
> article about Brazil and Linux in Saturday's business section? I don't see
> it on the SacBee site, but it was an Associated Press article, so a quick
> Google news search turned up another paper with the article online:
> http://www.oaklandtribune.com/Stories/0,1413,82~10834~1786104,00.html
> That one lacks the picture with the nice big Linux penguin in the
> background of people using computers that the SacBee article had. Opened
> up the paper, saw the penguin and went "Cool" then read the article, heh.
whoa. that is so cool. i think my favorite part of the article is when
it said that MS is worried that brazil's policy will turn into law, so
the rep says "we still think free choice is best".
they believe in free choice. riiiiiight.....
nice article!
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