[vox] Rebate hassles [was Free Stuff]

ME vox@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 1 Nov 2003 21:12:51 -0800 (PST)

David Hummel said:
> On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 07:54:39PM -0800, ME wrote:
>> I have managed to send out rebate requests for CD-R packs "for free"
>> and have eventually received rebates for 13 out of 14 of these that I
>> sent out to get rebates over the past 6 years. However, for hardware
>> for computer systems, I am only at 1 of 3 rebates received.
>> I think it really does matter what you buy and the reputation of the
>> organization that issues the rebate.
> Of the around 30 rebates that I've sent in for electronics related
> purchases, I've received checks from all of them except one.  And that
> one was the fault of Fry's Electronics, not the manufacturer (Antec).
> They'd made a mistake on the advertised rebate dates, and then failed to
> honor the posted dates.  Several of these were small and obscure
> companies.  I don't think company size or reputation has much to do with
> hit.  A company has to honor a rebate if all the requirements are met.
> If you're not getting a rebate, most likely you missed some small
> detail, or perhaps supplied illegible or incorrect information.  They
> _will_ hold you to ever little detail, since they'd like to find a
> reason not to send you a check.  They're counting on a certain amount of
> this, which is the whole reason rebates are offered.

It is easy to blame the customer, but as anal retentive as I can be when
it comes to details, following directions to the point of having crisply
cut UPC affixed to hardcopy versions of PDF-based forms, or other
requests, I am certain the lack of rebate had nothing to do with my not
having followed directions. (After all, I have worked for the government
for over 7 years now, and you will get absolutely nothing unless you
follow directions specified by administrators-- to the letter.)

Contrast this with rebates I have mailed away for when I have made
purchases for non-techie things: 100% success. From soup-can promos, to
Koolaid offers (got a free Koolaid game for my old Atari 2600 that way) to
power tools, to TV, VCR, DVD, Orange Juice... all of those 100% what I

In addition, for the 1 CD-R rebate I did not receive I turned co-workers
onto it so they could gain the same benefit, none of us have received our
rebates. Why does this matter? I felt somewhat responsible for suggesting
that purchase to them only to hear they missed their rebate checks too.

As for the rebates on the hardware, the companies did not answer any of
the phones for the numbers they made available. Again, it comes to
reputation of the business.