[vox] CNET Query: SCO/Microsoft deal phasing Linux users?

ME vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 21 May 2003 19:16:14 -0700 (PDT)

We had a brief discussion on NBLUG on our list a while back.
( archived :-)


First message:
(click "next message" to follow the few posts made on it.)

It really came down to this:

SCO published and released a copy of Linux under the GNU license.

The GNU License is rather "open" - leaving SCO in a poor position to argue
their case (IANAL, and this was not from one of my posts.)

If the license leads to a purchase of SCO outright, there are likely
issues that may cause SEC to step in (IANAL)

MS appeared to only be licensing use from SCO.

(I participate on the LUGOD lists but am more active in attending meeting
with NBLUG.)


> I didn't really have any useful feedback for Alorie here, but said I'd
> pass this along in case anyone around here did. ;^)
> -bill!
> ----- Forwarded message from Alorie Gilbert <alorie.gilbert@cnet.com>
> -----
> [fixed for 80 cols -bjk]
> Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 14:13:46 -0700
> From: Alorie Gilbert <alorie.gilbert@cnet.com>
> Subject: SCO/Microsoft deal phasing Linux users?
> Hello Linux user group organizers,
> Alorie Gilbert here, reporter for CNET News.com (www.news.com). I'm
> writing
> an article about SCO's lawsuit against IBM over Linux and whether
> uncertainty
> about intellectual property rights is giving any businesses pause about
> using
> Linux. We are revisiting the issue because of the news this week that
> Microsoft is supporting SCO by licensing its Unix technology. Are any of
> you
> available to chat about this today or tomorrow? Do know of any business or
> other organization that are changing their Linux plans because of SCOs
> actions? I'm interested in any feedback you're hearing in the Linux
> community
> and among your user group members.
> My deadline is Friday. This story will be a follow-up to CNET News.com's
> recent coverage of SCO's Linux battle...
> http://news.com.com/2100-1016-1007715.html?tag=nl
> http://news.com.com/2100-1016-991464.html?tag=nl
> http://news.com.com/2100-1016-1001609.html?tag=nl
> Regards
> Alorie Gilbert
> staff writer
> CNET News.com
> 415-344-2725
> alorie.gilbert@cnet.com
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -bill!
> root@lugod.org
> http://www.lugod.org/
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