[vox] Stupid User Tricks

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 14 May 2003 07:41:17 -0700

On Wed 14 May 03, 10:31 AM, Rob Rogers <rob@wizardstower.net> opined:
> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 07:27:41AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > you can use alias "mv -i" and 'cp -i" with bash, but i find that
> > annoying.  i only use that alias for root.
> I do use those, and they aren't that annoying to me becaues I hardly
> ever try to overwrite stuff...that still doesn't solve the rm problem
> that started this thread though. ;)

there's also "rm -i".

but it doesn't mean beans if you use "-rf", which many people use by

norm matloff's idea is *much* better (but rewritten for bash, of

using libtrash is best idea of all, but that requires reading some docs
and setting the system up.  it preserves location in the filesystem and
is proof against "-rf"ing or in case the alias gets unaliased for some


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