[vox] NT on the mainframe?
Mike Simons
Thu, 08 May 2003 18:32:22 -0400
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On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 11:48:47AM -0700, epierce@surewest.net wrote:
> Peter Jay Salzman scribbled with alacrity:
> >for most applications, a powerful PC or a cluster of PC's are
> > simply more cost effective.
> The presenter at the meeting said that IBM is selling billions of dollars
> of "big iron" that run NT/Linux on OS partitions. I've heard old mainframe
> sysadmns that talk about running 25+ NT/Linux OS instances/partitions on
> one mainframe.
I don't remember him saying anything about Windows NT OS partitions on=20
the mainframe or any of the slides hinting it was possible.
- Did any one else catch this part of the presentation?
I would be shocked to hear there is a port of NT to that platform...=20
News that you can run many thousands of Linux OS partitions on the
main frame have been around for a years. Maybe as much as two years ago=20
IBM started selling CPU units for a discounted price if you agreed to=20
only use it to run Linux... then they started coming out which market
studies that show conversion a hundreds of PCs servers into a single=20
mainframe saves alot of money... but I always thought this conversion=20
meant no Windows in the end (which is a major cost savings in itself :).
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