[vox] OS/2 and Linux, why has IBM changed?
Peter Jay Salzman
Thu, 8 May 2003 12:34:19 -0700
On Thu 08 May 03, 12:06 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net> opined:
> On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:31:16AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > they dropped the ball on viavoice, too.
> I spoke with someone at the IBM booth at ESC late last month and he explained
> there simply wasn't a market for it. Everyone was overjoyed that they got
> the product ported to Linux, but the actual _orders_ for the product was
> underwhelming.
> Apparently, at least in this one fellow's opinion, they were kind of miffed
> that everyone wanted it, but noone wanted to pay the $30-40 bucks for the
> thing. Since noone was buying it, they just let the product die.
> -bill!
that's too bad.
i think he got it wrong. it was an _awful_ product. i think people
would've bought viavoice had it been done right. people pay for opera,
even when there are other very free browsers that are nearly as good.
viavoice was slow as molasses, segfaulted like segfaulting was going out
of style, hardly worked well and requird you to install a non-packaged
java runtime library. it couldn't get any worse... heck, i wouldn't
install that thing on my system if they gave it away for free!
oh well. if i ever run a company, i hope my employees have the clue to
recognize and spine to tell me when one of my products is awful...
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