[vox] Sorry For Mispost: Looking for Part Time IT Consultant
Nathan Johanson
Wed, 7 May 2003 06:35:31 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry about the mispost. I knew it didn't belong, but
figured I'd force the ball through the square peg. I
know a lot of people are looking for jobs, and the
first thing I did (when I was layed off) was attend
users groups, crack open the books, and spend my free
time brushing up on my skils. I figured there would be
a lot of people in that same boat: eager to work and
lurking on this list.
I'll wait till a consensus has been reached, and I'll
re-post to the appropriate list if necessary.
Ironically, every single response I received had to do
with whether the post belonged here. No one is
actually interested in the job ;-)
--- Mike Simons <msimons@moria.simons-clan.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 12:54:03PM -0700, Nathan
> Johanson wrote:
> > Before I get into the kludge, let me state the
> main
> > point. We're hiring! I know this is a Linux list
> [snip]
> LUGOD has a "vox-jobs" list for job posts, people
> looking for jobs or
> posting about should look there... to subscribe look
> at this page:
> http://lists.lugod.org/vox-jobs/
> Unfortunately this listing appears to be Windows
> focused and wouldn't
> belong there either...
> Later,
> Mike Simons
> --
> GPG key:
> http://simons-clan.com/~msimons/gpg/msimons.asc
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