[vox] Wrong List: Looking for Part Time IT Consultant
Peter Jay Salzman
Tue, 6 May 2003 16:44:19 -0700
begin Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>
> On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 03:59:27PM -0700, Micah J. Cowan wrote:
> > Could we change the
> > rules so that non-Linux job opportunities are okay, but the
> > subject-line has to be flagged or something?
> That sounds reasonable. I think we should keep them over on vox-jobs,
> of course, since that's what it's there for.
> Something like [OT] (off-topic ;^) ) or [Non-Linux] in the subject would
> be good.
> How do others feel?
i love the idea, but it's a little unrealistic. very few people use the [] tags.
if you look at the vox-outreach list rules, *every* email to the list
needs to have a tag identifying which project the post is about so
people involved with project A don't need to wade through project B.
i can't think of anybody who does that.
very few people use [OT] on vox too.
here are my thoughts:
1. ALL job postings go to vox-jobs.
2. we deicde whether we want non-linux related jobs on vox-jobs or not
(personally, i'm abivalent to the issue, but i can certainly understand
both sides of the argument).
i say we keep away from tagging the subject lines, since it'll become a
rule that's "cruft" within a week or two.
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