[OT] [vox] oops
Peter Jay Salzman
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 14:14:43 -0800
begin Nicole the Wonder Nerd <ana.ng@tmbg.org>
> D'oh. Sorry, everyone; that was SUPPOSED to be private e-mail.
> *sheepish grin*
heh. that's ok. i might as well tell it, although jokes never come
across as good in written form as they do in person. you get to see me
making very funny faces and talk in a western hero/indian accent when i
tell it in person...
the lone ranger looks to the horizon and realizes that the end is near.
they're surrounded on all sides by thousands of very angry, very mean
looking indians who are totally pissed off about the hundred years of
being lied to and persecuted by the government. they're out for
revenge. they want blood. lots of it.
he turns to tonto and says: "tonto, we're surrounded on all sides. i
don't see a way out of this! what should we do?!?"
tonto says: "what do you mean "we", paleface?"
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.
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