[vox] Looking at Laptops
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 07:32:50 -0800
On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 09:23:02PM -0800, Richard Crawford wrote:
> I'm now pondering a new laptop, and need some advice. The basic
> requirement, of course, is that it needs to be dual-bootable -- I'm facing
> the reality that much of what I'm going to need for school is going to
> only be available in Windows, but I want Linux because it's better.
> Whatever flavor of Linux I go with on my laptop (I'm familiar with Red
> Hat, but more than willing to explore other distros at this point as
> well), the laptop will need to talk happily with my Red Hat desktop
> computer.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? Any good stories? Horror stories?
> Brands/models I ought to avoid, or that I ought to give serious
> consideration too? Price is a consideration, of course -- if I can spend
> less than $2500, I'll be happy.
Look at Dell refurbished units; I picked up a refurbished C600 laptop
for under $700 a few months back -- mobile PIII/700, 256M RAM, and a 40G
HD. All the hardware (save the Winmodem) works under Linux, including
the thermal monitoring and cooling fans.
You don't need a $2500 laptop to run Linux.
Don Werve <donw@examen.com> (Unix System Administrator)
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Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!