[vox] kudos to tim riley: yet another business goes open source

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 13:39:41 -0700

dear lugod,

a friend of mine, jeff, who owns davis motorsports wanted to expand his
business to include a mail order system, like what dave has for

i posted a "job offer" to the list, and tim riley responded.  moreover,
he said he'd do it for free under certain restrictions that promote free
software, for instance, the system that he created would be licensed
as free software and available to anyone else who wants to use it.

there is a 100% certainty that jeff would've opted for a microsoft/ASP
based solution had tim not stepped in.  basically, tim is responsible
for yet another business using open source software on an open source

i would like to state two things:

on behalf of the lugod officers, i would like to personally thank tim,
since his efforts helped lugod attain the goal of spreading linux and
free software among yolo county.

i would like to announce that davis motorsports has just made a $200
donation to LUGOD to help us purchase a projector.  this comes at an
especially good time, since we would like to make the purchase soon for
some upcoming meetings.


ps- henry, next time i see you, i'll drop the check off.

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