[vox] LUGOD yard sale (was re: [OT] For Sale: WebTV unit)

Mark K. Kim vox@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 19:39:11 -0700 (PDT)

Oh me gosh!  I got loads of old stuff outside my house I was gonna throw
away.  I'd so wanna give some of them away, if someone actually has use
for an old XT, Tandy, 386,...  Not to mention loads and loads of books...

And yeah, I'd actually drive up to Davis if it means easting up the


On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> <snip my for-sale post about my WebTV unit>
> I just had an idea...  I've got some other random stuff I'd kind of like
> to get rid of (a spare mouse that I'd part with for $5 or so; random
> cables I'll never need; some music CDs; etc.)
> Maybe LUGOD members can put together a joint garage sale / yard sale somewhere,
> where pack-rats like myself can purge some of our belongings, and at the same
> time help raise a little money for LUGOD.  (Maybe 5% or 10% of proceeds get
> donated)
> Would people be interested?  Anyone willing to coordinate something like this
> if there /is/ interest?
> -bill!
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Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.