[vox] [LUGOD spam] New items added to LUGOD's shop

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 2 Jun 2003 19:51:05 -0700

LUGOD has a shop at 'CafePress.com', which includes various LUGOD- and Linux-
related items you can buy online.  (Shirts, a tote-bag, a mouse-pad, etc.)

We've added 5 new items to the shop, one of which is a returning item:

  * "Lambda Nu Chi" (LNX) hooded sweatshirt

    Since we're a college town, we decided parodying fraternities was in
    order.  (No offence, of course).  "LNX" in Greek on the front, and
    a mug of beer, Tux the penguin, and the US Constitution on the back,
    with the words "Free as in beer, Free as in speech."

    [ Previously unavailable ]

  * "Baby Tux" bib

    Cute original art of a baby Tux penguin on a bib.
    (He's in the style of the baby Gnu from the Free Software Foundation.)

  * "Future Linux User" infant t-shirt

    Baby Tux on the front.  "Future Linux User" in crayon-style on the back.
    100% cotton.

  * "Future Linux User" toddler hoodie

    Baby Tux on the front.  "Future Linux User" in crayon-style on the back.
    50% cotton, 50% polyester fleece.

  * "Tux the Penguin" Infant Creeper

    Larry Ewing's original 'Tux' penguin design on a 100% cotton creeper.

Our shop can be found here:


As well as directly at CafePress.com:


bill@newbreedsoftware.com                                            Hire me!
http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/    http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/resume/