[vox] Loading Knoppix on your HD...

Ken Bloom vox@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 19 Jul 2003 23:35:55 -0700

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On 2003.07.19 11:38, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> Wow! I'll have to try this out...
> "An old laptop of mine fubared its Linux partition beyond (easy)
> repair so I
> decided a clean install was the way to go. When I went to install a
> recent
> Debian system I had trouble with PCMCIA under the 2.2 kernel, and
> XFree gave
> me a blank screen under 2.4. Knoppix, however, made everything work
> automagically (with the exception of sound)."
> http://tinyurl.com/hfuv
> or
> http://newsforge.com/newsforge/03/07/06/212212.shtml

Look at the on-board installer - it should work better than how he=20
described, with respect to storing settings and with respect to=20
upgrading. Basically you'll have a pre-configured debian system when=20
you finish.

I think the command is knx-install, but I could be wrong.

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