[vox] Microsoft interested in our feelings

vox@lists.lugod.org vox@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 20 Dec 2003 00:45:23 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 09:39:15PM -0800, Larry Dieterich wrote:
> > It is not disputable that MS wants to undermine Linux. The legal
> > avenues don't seem to be working out so far, the technical avenues are
> > even tougher, and so it seems like it might fall to PR to tackle the
> > penguin.
> Ah, but penguins are slippery.  Like soap. :^)  PR can't defeat OSS,
> since OSS isn't about money. :^)

You believe that, and I have a small parcel of land on the coast of 
Atlantis I'd like to sell to you.  PR has been known to do amazing 
things....I wouldn't sell it short.  PR got us such wonderful things as 
VHS tapes (instead of Betamax)< the DMCA, and Britney Spears.

Lets not fucking kid ourselves.

> <snip>
> > [Microsoft's] business is threatened. This is a big deal.
> Maybe that's why I find this so appealing.

Microsofts business has been threatened numerous times before and they 
have moved on.  They very well could do it again, but combination of 
lobbying for legislation and/or simply pulling an IBM and getting better 
at "playing by the rules" (for varying definitions of 'playing' and 
'rules').  Not all outcomes are necessaily bad...maybe they learn how to 
build a better propietary OS (it could happen), maybe they still 
doggie-fuck the football and fall on their faces, maybe maybe maybe...

Do not mistake this measure for MS all of a sudden being scared...they are 
always scared.  The one thing every good CEO of tech firms everywhere has 
learned from Andy Grove, Larry ELlison and SCott McNealy...."Only the 
Paranoid Survive".
> <snip> 
> > I'm open minded about Mr Surkan's bold contact, but I'm guarded. MS has
> > a bad rep for playing tricky hardball and they haven't earned my trust.
They don't need our trust, they need our opinions, of which I have no 
doubt they will find plenty of folks willing to provide.  that being said, 
I still would be quite cagey, and may opt to take his survey just to look 
at the wording.

> Yeah, hundreds of dead people signing "grass-root" campaigns isn't exactly
> a good track record. ;)

Yeah, and John Ashcroft lost a state election to a dead person and still 
ended up US AG. Weirder shit has happened... ;)


> -bill!
> bill@newbreedsoftware.com                           Got kids?  Get Tux Paint! 
> http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/       http://newbreedsoftware.com/tuxpaint/
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