[vox] Microsoft interested in our feelings

R. Douglas Barbieri vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 10:22:23 -0800

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On Fri, 2003-12-19 at 10:22, Robert G. Scofield wrote:
> On Friday 19 December 2003 07:32, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > I received an email last night from one Michael Surkan from Microsoft
> > (based on the mail headers, it looks legit; not some prankster ;^) )
> >
> > He wanted to know if it would be appropriate to post a note to our 'vox=
> > list asking if folks here would be willing to talk about where they'd
> > like to see MS go down the road... kind of a 5-year-plan, to paraphrase=
> >
> I'd like to see MS dissolved down the road.

Actually, I'd like to see MS release their OS under an open source
license. That would do everyone a favor, including them.

> Why hasn't Mr. Arruda responded to this post.? He always has insights int=
> these matters.

He has been strangely silent. I am missing an off-color response to this
affair. :-)

> Bob
> _______________________________________________
> vox mailing list
> vox@lists.lugod.org
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R. Douglas Barbieri

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