[vox] Tivo question

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 20:39:27 -0800

On Tue 09 Dec 03,  7:27 PM, Rusty Minden <clownsinc@comcast.net> said:
> I have had a TiVo for a while now both a series 1 and now a newer series 2. I 
> love the thing. I tell it what I want to watch and it records it. I don't 
> have to be home to watch Battlestart Galactica and can save it and watch it 
> at my leisure. When I see something really cool I can repeat it and slow 
> motion for say a sporting event. I Jump through most commercials and pause 
> when I want. Just my 2 cents worth (I have lifetime service for about $100, 
> when it was new).

what the phrack were the writers thinking?!?

i hate starbuck's sex change operation.
i hate boomer's sex change operation. 
i hate tigh being a drunk.
baltar is now a big weenie.

about the most positive things i can say about the miniseries is:

1. commander adama is awesome.  might even be better than lorne green.
   does he remind anyone else of DS9's sisko?

2. i'm thankful they didn't try to kitchen sink the special effects.
   the FX are tasteful, not overwhelming.  although i suppose that could
   be due to budge concerns...

question - i missed something.  right before starbuck asked tigh "how's
your wife", tigh said something to piss off starbuck.

what did he say?  i didn't catch it...


Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.  -- Albert Einstein
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