[vox] providing services from a broadband connection

David Hummel vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 13:13:33 -0800

On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 12:56:46PM -0800, Trevor Lango wrote:
> I have SBC Yahoo! DSL (currently only $27.95/month!) and it is ALWAYS
> up! My IP is dynamic but I use the dyndns (http://www.dyndns.org/)
> service to update. Plus, as long as I don't turn the machine off, the
> IP never gets released anyways.

My situation as well (except I still have the older pacbell service).
Plus I got lucky in that my router appliance directly supports
dyndns.org, so even if the router and modem get powercycled, the DNS
mapping gets reestablished automatically.
