[vox] [OT] Comments Solicited

Richard Crawford vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 09:02:28 -0800 (PST)

I've got my paper for my Systems Analysis class at library school written;
the topic is "Open Source Solutions for Library Needs" (thanks to Peter
Jay Salzman and others who responded to my earlier request for resource

I've got my paper on line, and I'd like some feedback before I turn it in
on Friday.  It's not a technical paper by any means (in fact, it's meant
for someone who is not familiar with open source at all), so don't ding me
on technical facts; however, corrections in overall concepts and
historical facts (and grammar and spelling corrections), will, of course,
be cheerfully accepted.

The paper is available as a PDF document at:



Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)

http://www.mossroot.com   http://www.stonegoose.com/catseyeview
Howard Dean for America:  http://www.deanforamerica.com
"I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous
group. They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the
desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man.
I wouldn't mess with them."
--Michael Moore