[vox] Distributing OpenOffice to schools
Marc Elliot Hall
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 09:36:52 -0700
Lincoln Peters wrote:
> The OpenOffice.org team has announced to Schoolforge that it intends to
> launch an education campaign in October (when OpenOffice 1.1 is
> released) and put as many copies of OpenOffice in the hands of students
> and teachers as possible.
<much snippage>
> I have already notified the North Bay Linux Users' Group
> (http://www.nblug.org/), and I'm trying to figure out exactly which
> areas they can cover. Can anyone recommend any other groups in Northern
> California I should contact?
Not a User Group, but a non-profit association you may want to contact
or refer Ian to:
The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) at
www.acsa.org. They publish a weekly newspaper, EDCAL (editor: London
Roberts), and a bi-monthly magazine, Educational Leadership (editor:
Susan Davis) that may be interested in publicizing your effort. email
addresses are first initial, last name at acsa.org. Phone number is
916-444-3216. You can tell 'em I referred you, if you want.
Marc Elliot Hall www.hallmarc.net/quick_resume.html
P.O. Box 435
Shingle Springs, CA 95682
www.hallmarc.net Hire me!