[vox] Survey question - self-harvesting our lists for someone
Foo Lim
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 01:55:32 -0700 (PDT)
My $0.02:
This would be fine with me. I'm willing to participate in a
officer-approved survey for Open Source research as long as they don't
expect me to give them my email address I'm using here. :P
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> So LUGOD has been asked if we could help conduct a survey on Open Source for
> a local university (no, not UC Davis :) ).
> The latest incarnation of the plan is as follows:
> 1. Someone from LUGOD (e.g., me) takes a randomly-generated sampling from the
> mailing list subscriptions and/or members list
> 2. Someone from LUGOD (e.g., me) e-mails the information about the survey to
> the chosen members
> 3. Presumably, some subset of those who receive it will go to some URL and fill out
> the survey
> [...]