[vox] Bug Tracking Software?
Ken Bloom
Mon, 11 Aug 2003 18:33:23 -0700
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On 2003.08.11 09:36, Richard Crawford wrote:
> I've been looking to replace our bug-tracking system in my office (a
> scribbled note on a Post-It, at best) with an on-line system that all
> of
> our team can access and update. I've looked at Bugzilla, but it seems
> to
> require MySql, PostGreSQL, or Sybase... and we've got Oracle.
> What other options are out there? Anyone have any ideas? The best
> solution of all, of course, would be a free one, easily installed and
> managed...
I like debbugs (from the user and developer perspective -- haven't=20
tried it from the debbugs administrator perspective) because you don't=20
need a login to report a bug and have bug information sent to you.=20
Debbugs is of course DFSG free.
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