[vox] Password NOT stolen at linuxworld

Dmitriy vox@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 11 Aug 2003 14:16:15 -0700

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On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 01:42:08PM -0700, Ryan Castellucci wrote:
> OK, guys, here's the scoop... Somebody 0wned my system at
> work, running debian testing. Installed this lovely password

Testing is inherently insecure.  _Don't_ run testing on any publically
accessible computers.  It doesn't get security updates.

If you are lucky you will get one after a week.  If you are not, the update=
range anywhere from two weeks (all conditions for going into testing are
satisiied and update is uploaded with normal urgency) to months (like
waiting for new glibc to go into testing).

So, I'd say you were asking to be 0wned.


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